Thursday, October 2, 2014

Hello World!
We have a lot to catch up on from my last post. It's currently October 2nd and my last post left off on the 21st of September so I will backtrack a little bit.
Starting on the 22nd of September which was a typical Monday except for the amazing opportunity we, as a group, were blessed enough to experience. 
We went to the Synagogue here in town and talked to a 101 year old man who survived 4 different concentration camps. His name is Mr. Marko Feingold and he didn't seam like he was a day over 80. For everything he has gone through and experienced in his life he didn't seam jaded about the world in the slightest. He really just seamed to have a zest for life. At least from the hour and half we got to hear him speak. 
From the age of 26 to 32, I believe it was, he was in 4 different concentration camps and by the end of the first, at Auschwitz, he only weighed 65 pounds and was completely malnourished! The fight and will to survive allowed him to survive 3 more camps after that. My favorite part of his talk was actually when my roommate Rachel (Hi Rachel :-D) asked him what the happiest moment in his life has been and his answer blew my mind.
He said, it was when his friend came and told him that the soldiers that liberated the camp he was in had food prepared, and he realized that he was not hungry. He knew in that moment that he would no longer have to be hungry, food no longer was this intangible thing that he couldn't reach. He said that hunger no longer consumed him.
Hearing that made me realize how something so big, and yet so small at the same time, (that so many of us take advantage of) is powerful. And when someone with his life experience says something like that it makes you really look at your own life and evaluate what is truly important. Amazing, powerful experience, I am truly grateful to say I had.
Here is a photo of the group with Mr. Feingold.
We are now going to move to the 24th of September, which is when we hiked/walked to the Fortress Hohensalzburg. It was our Understanding Austria class for the day and what a beautiful class it was. I  throughly enjoy the fact that we get to have "class" exploring this absolutely beautiful town. Along with seeing the fortress, we saw the Church they used while filming The Sound of Music here in Salzburg. Enjoy the photographs. :-)
The group on the way up to the Fortress.

Then we have September 25th!! My Birthday!! Yay for turning 22 here in Austria! It was a pretty relaxed day and we got out early from school. Was able to celebrate with the friends that I've made here which was nice. First time going to a bar for my birthday as well! 

Now we move onto Friday where one thing pretty exciting happened. I bought a dirndl!! Call me lame or whatever you please but I am pretty happy with my purchase. :-)

On Saturday the 27th most of the group went to Munich for October Fest but it was not something I was particularly interested in. I really don't like beer which is the whole point of October Fest. (I am also aware that not liking beer is basically a sin here in Austria.) So instead of spending my day at the extremely crowed October Fest, I spent the day around Salzburg. I bought shoes to go with my dirndl, had tea, and relaxed in one of my favorite places, and took some pictures. The place you ask? Mirabelle Gardens. 

Sunday the 28th was a super low key day. Just laying around and doing homework. Which bring us to the current week. Which overall has been good, except for the fact that school work is starting to kick some but. Now is when I feel like wonderland is ending and reality is hitting you in the face. (We had a final this week!! Hello real world and actual school work.)
The biggest thing outside of school we've done as a group this week was today, October 2nd and we went to ORF, which is the public broadcasting station here in Salzburg. 

That's all for this week. I've got weekend plans which you will either here about this weekend or early next week.
Until next time.


  1. Love your dirndl & the pics from October Fest, beautiful.....

  2. Where is Nonberg? I lived in Salzburg in 2001, and went again in September of this year, and still have not been able to find it. Is it in the old town?
